Infoceuticals ICs work by stimulating the body’s own healing abilities. ICs are electromagnetic signals that are generated using algorithms or recorded from substances that have healing, therapeutic, or other biological effects. Understanding that water is able to mimic the electromagnetic spectrum of diluted substances as well as how one can record and store these electromagnetic signals - we are able to create ICs from active substances. See the INFOPATHY website for a list of ICs that are available, and contact us if you would like an IC specially formulated for you

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The price above is the price of the Scent of Rain Infoceutical (IC) which has been formulated for you. It comes in a 30ml bottle. The IC imprint will last 1 month but needs to be shielded from electromagnetic inteference. 

Should you wish to have a practitioner consult to formulate the IC then the cost will be 75GBP, but thereafter refills will be 27GBP

Up to 7 substances can be imprinted into any IC. ie you can put 7 medications, or vitamins, homeopathic treatment or essences, for example, in one IC